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Kids Power Up

Module 1.


Online games can be fun, exciting, challenging and engaging. They can also make us feel anxious and irritable. Why does this happen? This activity explores how online gaming can affect our physical and mental health and wellbeing.


Question One

  • What games do you like playing (online and real-world)?
  • What are the similarities and differences between online and real-world games?
  • What is a game?
  • What are some features of games?
  • Does a game have to be fun?
  • Do all games need rules? Why or why not?
  • Can a person play a game on their own?
  • What roles do skill or luck play in games?
  • What are some of the differences between online games and sport?

Question Two

  • If you play online games – what do you like about them? What don’t you like?
  • There are lots of kids who don’t play computer games – can you think of some reasons why?

Question Three

  • What is treasure?

Question Four

  • Look around Helmette’s What does Helmette treasure? What is meaningful or precious to them?

Question Five

  • What other treasures are in the room and what might they tell you about what Helmette values?

Personal Reflection

  • What do you treasure and why?
  • What things, people, or other items couldn’t you live without?
  • What do they say about you?

Creative Activities

This activity allows your child to explore their personal values and what they ‘treasure’. Your child will create up to 10 cards, with each card representing something, or someone they treasure.

The cards created in this activity will be used again in Module 3, Activity 3.2 Trading treasure cards.

Duration: 30+ mins

What you need:

  • print Worksheet – Activity 1 – Personal treasure cards
  • coloured markers or pencils
  • scissors
  • envelope to store cards

Print a copy of Worksheet – Activity 1.1 Personal treasure cards for each child on an A4 card

ASK your child to write a list of 10 things they love or value. Examples:

  • pets or other animals
  • sports and activities
  • walking, swimming, hiking
  • friends, family
  • play time (online games and real-world games)
  • art, music, dance
  • eating, cooking, baking
  • watching movies, TV shows
  • learning, reading
  • nature, being outdoors
  • meditation,

Ask your child to write one item they treasure in the circle on each card.

Then illustrate and decorate each card.


  • PETS / I might draw my dog
  • SPORT / I might draw my hockey stick
  • FOOD / I might draw my favourite

Once your child has completed their personal treasure cards, give them an envelope to store them in for use in Module 3, Activity 3.2 Trading treasure cards.

Kids Power Up

Navigate Modules

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4